DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow
Gogglebox Ireland (TV3, 9pm)
Another new family joins the show’s admirable stable of armchair critics tonight – the Morans from Portlaoise, who are GAA and soccer mad. Welcome, Morans! #goggleboxIRL
Enough Said (RTÉ One, 9.35pm)
James Gandolfini’s last film tells the story of a masseuse and a man who both strike up a romance after they come to terms with their empty nests. The woman, played by the excellent Julia Louis-Dreyfus, later comes across a bitter divorced client who happens to be the ex wife of her new man. Draaama.
A Secret Buried – The Mother and Baby Scandal (TV3, 11pm)
The results of the mass grave at investigation at Tuam shook the country last night. This documentary examines the scandal and those directly affected by it, as well as their fight for justice.
Everybody’s talking about: The Moomins
Eh, big news. The Moomins could be coming back. Did you love this show as a kid?
Of course you did. The lil guys are set to return to television for 13 episodes in 2019. Yeah, we’ve a while to wait, but Finnish firm Gutsy Animation are attempting to raise the money vvia IndieGoGo, so they can make their finished scripts with CGI animations.
Or flick over for…
Champions League (RTÉ2, 7pm) Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain come head to head.
Doctor in the House (TV3, 8pm) A new series of the show which helps families look after their health.
What Are You Eating? (RTÉ One, 8.30pm) Philip Boucher-Hayes examines breakfast, and asks if a modern breakfast is healthier than a fry. Lol.
A Killing In My Family (Channel 4, 10pm) Documentary focusing on eight families from the UK who lost a family member through murder or manslaughter.